

Created by IV Studio

Farm, explore, and fish on a cozy alien world.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Year, New Challenges! 👊
7 days ago – Fri, Jan 31, 2025 at 09:21:29 AM

Hello, welcome to the new year pioneers 🫡

Over the holidays, we had a little extra time to play some games. Thus, we have new challenges for you! 

We asked our dear neighbors to play solo games with specific conditions to craft their own special challenges. 

If you already have Tabletop Simulator, you can play it now on the Tend mod until your physical game arrives 🤭 You'll just need to specify the seed on our companion app to make sure you're playing the same game.

If you can beat their score, you get full bragging rights and a (metaphorical) gold star! ⭐️ 

Will you take them on in a friendly game of Tend? 🐓

These challenges will also be featured in your Tend rulebook for easy reference.

Besides these solo challenges, we have a few other updates about production! 🛠️

We are preparing to submit the production order very soon to stay on our intended project timeline. 

We've also done some packing tests in the past few weeks to confirm the box sizes we need for all the components. Since the campaign, we've increased the box size for the Deluxe and Super Deluxe games to 292.10 x 381.00 x 120.65 mm so everything can fit more comfortably 📦

That's all we have for this update. We'll see you in our next monthly installment of Zenith News! 🪐

If you require any support relating to your tend pledge, please let us know with this request form.

48 HR REMINDER: BackerKit Pledge Manager Closes Jan 10! ☃️
about 1 month ago – Wed, Jan 08, 2025 at 01:55:05 PM

Happy New Year! 🥳 We hope the new year has been wonderful so far!

We're just here to give y'all a brief reminder.

Tend pledge manager will be closing Jan 10 at midnight (CST)! 🌚

If you've already completed the pledge manager, thank you so much for your help ☺️

For additional information about the pledge manager, please refer to our previous update for FAQs. 

Once the pledge manager closes on Jan 10, we will no longer be able to make adjustments to the pledge orders, so please make sure your order is final before submitting the survey!

If you need any help with your pledge manager, please contact us with the support button on our website using the "I need help with my crowdfunding pledge" form. 

One production update ☝️

We've increased the thickness of the borders on the scratch off cards to help with any overly enthusiastic scratchers from finding out a little too much about the location of resources. We'll show some new samples once we get them in the office! 

Tend made an appearance on some Top 10 Anticipated Games of 2025 Lists! 🪩

First is on Dice Tower's Top 10 Anticipated Games of 2025

Not once, but ✨TWICE✨ Can you guess where it appears on their list? 

Spoilers, it's at both ends of the rainbow 🌈 

Tend was also featured on Kovray's Top 10 List! Thank y'all so much! :) 

Our neighbors recently got chickens and we couldn't help but notice one looked particularly familiar. Dingle, is that you? 🐥

Photo or Render?

Do you have any Tend inspired photos (photoshopped or otherwise) of your own? We'd love to see them shared on our Discord! 💖

Alrighty, take care until our next update! 👋

Happy Holidays Pioneers! 🎄
about 2 months ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2024 at 12:48:21 PM

Zenith is greatly looking forward to the holiday season and we hope you are, too! 💖

We want to take a moment to encourage you to reflect and celebrate all of your accomplishments this year, big and small. Much can change in a year and we are so proud of you for persisting through it all! You did it, you made it to the end of the year! 

Thank you so much for being here with us. We can't wait to see what new adventures 2025 will bring for us and we hope you continue being a part of our journey. 

Season's greetings from the IV team and our wonderful community members at PAXU 2024. Our Tend jackets were super comfortable and may just become a uniform staple for us :)

Production Updates 💪

First, we recently submitted our translations files for Tend! 

Second, we will soon receive some white sample boxes for pack tests! 

We use white box samples so we can test how well components will fit into specific box sizes. This way, we can adjust box sizes and evaluate if inserts are needed earlier in the production process. We'll start doing pack tests in January and will let you know how they go in a later update!  

If everything fits well, we will move forward with these sizes. If we have extra space, we can determine if an insert is needed. The base extras box is for the extra components we mentioned in the last update. 

Tend's Pledge Manager will close Jan 10, 2025! ❄️

For any questions about the pledge manager, please refer to our previous update for FAQs and clarifying information. Once the pledge manager closes, we will no longer be able to make adjustments to the pledge orders. 

IV Studio will be out of office from Dec 20, 2024 to Jan 6, 2025

We're taking some time off to enjoy the holidays with friends and family, but we'll get back to addressing your questions and requests once we are back on Jan 6th, 2025.

OK, now go enjoy your holidays with warm drinks and quality game time! 

We'll see you next year ;)

IMPORTANT: Pledge Manager Opening! (and Community Card Voting Results) 📖
about 2 months ago – Wed, Dec 11, 2024 at 02:25:21 PM

PLEASE READ: Tend Pledge Manager Opening Soon on BackerKit 📝

Please note you must submit your Pledge Manager survey in order to receive your pledge as this is how we collect your shipping information! 

Email Invites ✉️

We will start with a smoke test of 5% of backers today, and if all goes well, the rest of the surveys will go out shortly after, so don't panic if you don't get the BackerKit email invite immediately. 

However, if you don't see a BackerKit email by Dec 13th, please try searching for it through this link with your Kickstarter email. If you still cannot find it, it may be listed under a different email, possibly due to an Apple Pay payment. In that case, please send an email to [email protected]with your full name, preferred email address, and the subject line "Tend Pledge Manager Missing Email Invite".

Pledge Manager Timeline ⏳

  • Wednesday, Dec 11 or 12, 2024 - Pledge Manager OPENS
  • Friday, January 10, 2025: Pledge Manager CLOSES
  • Note: This campaign will not have a reopening period. Once it has been submitted, it will lock and remain locked! 🚨

New to Kickstarter? 🌱

If this is your first time using a pledge manager, don't worry—it's pretty easy! Once you receive an email with the invite link from BackerKit, you'll be asked to do the following steps:

1. Confirm your pledge level.

2. Choose any add-ons you'd like to purchase in addition to your original pledge.

3. Input your shipping address. 

4. Pay the remaining balance. 

If you don't add anything else to your pledge, your balance will just be the posted shipping rate and taxes for your region.

Pledge Manager Pro Tips: 

  • Cards will be charged immediately when you submit the order! If you need a little extra time after the holidays, you can submit it in January instead. We'll send you a reminder update before it closes on Jan 10, 2025. 
  • Be careful to make sure you have everything you want in your order before you confirm as the survey will lock afterwards, and you will not be able to edit it freely. If you need to make edits to your survey after submission, please contact BackerKit support or our [email protected] email.  
  • You will be able to edit your shipping information at any point while the survey is open and we use it to estimate shipping rates for your order. We will ask you to verify your shipping address 2 months before we start shipping orders in 2025, just in case you have moved locations in that timespan.
  • If you pledged $1 and don't want upgrade your pledge, you can submit the survey without adding any items or shipping information to stop receiving the BackerKit reminder emails. 

Need to Switch Your Pledge Level? 🧐

To change your pledge level, click the link at the bottom of the Welcome screen that says "Switch Your Pledge Level"

Declined Cards on Kickstarter 💳

Occasionally payments are declined when Kickstarter attempts to process your pledge. If it is not fixed in time, then your pledge will be abandoned, but don't worry, you can still join the pre-orders and complete your order in BackerKit with the same pledge items and KS bonuses. 

Apple Pay - Missing Email Invite 📧

If you used Apple Pay to pay for the Kickstarter and haven't received an email invite from BackerKit, please send an email to [email protected]with your full name, preferred email address, and the subject line "Tend Pledge Manager Missing Email Invite" so we can invite you to the pledge manager. 

This happens because Apple Pay autofills the email field with a unique Apple email instead of your own, so we will need to manually update it to your email address.

Extra Components: All Tend pledges will receive the Community card pack and Extra sheets for the KS campaign 🗒️

But it will display differently on the Pledge Manager depending on your pledge level! Here are the details:

The $129 Super Deluxe and $99 Deluxe pledge games will receive the community cards and extra farm, project/cargo, and scratch-offs sheets (100 each) packed into the game box. This means these extra sheets will not show on the BackerKit order list since it is already packed into the game itself! 

Example of how the Deluxe and Super Deluxe games will look on the pledge manager. You will still receive the community cards and KS extra sheets! 

The $69 Tend pledge will also receive the community cards and 50 extra sheets of each type, but these will be packed separately from the base box and it will show on the list of items for the pledge since it needs a separate SKU number for inventory. 

Example of how the $69 Tend games will look on the pledge manager. 

I was a 48 Hour Backer. Will I receive the Tend pin? 🌷

Thank you for your early support! Yes, your Tend pin should have been automatically added to your BackerKit survey if you backed before the 48 hours mark (10:00 am CDT on Oct 31, 2024). 

You can check by looking for the "Tend 48 Hour Pin" on the Confirm page of the pledge manager under "PLEDGE ITEMS." 

If your backer number is above #3750, then you unfortunately do not qualify for this pin, but it is available as a separate add-on. 

Local Pickup 🚗

We would love to meet you and personally hand you your copy of Tend! 🥰 We usually make it a day of playing games and hanging out, so if you want to take advantage of local pickup, make sure you select "Local pickup" as your country in the shipping info. We'll send you an email detailing when and where it will occur once we have the stock in the office. 

Local Pickup is only available in Nashville, TN. 

Community Card Voting Results ⭐️

Thank you so much to the community for coming together to make these cards! Below is a render of the community cards that received the most votes and these cards will be included in every pledge of Tend. 

Congratulations to ShortToes, Mason Hughes, Ben "Contra" Cyphers, Brian Schival, Jaedon Johnson, and Manuel Surek for contributing the winning cards! Your names will be credited in the Tend rulebook for your contributions! 💖

Late Pledge is Open until Jan 10 👏

If you missed your opportunity to commit during the campaign, you can still late pledge! You can also share the link with friends or family who might have forgotten 😉

Community Card Voting, PAX Unplugged, and Leaderboards! 🫶
2 months ago – Wed, Dec 04, 2024 at 02:56:28 PM

Greetings Pioneers,

We hope you have been well and staying warm since we last saw you! 💖 

Good ^_^

Community Card Voting Begins! 🌞

Thank you to everyone who submitted an idea for our community card pack! 💖 We really enjoyed reading all of your creative ideas and have carefully selected our top picks. 

There are 3 objective cards and 2 task cards per season in the community card pack (15 total), and it will be included with every Tend pledge/late pledge! 

Go vote for the cards you want to see in your game!

Visit us at Booth #2221 during PAXU  🥳

From Dec 6 to Dec 8, we'll be at PAXU in Philadelphia, PA! 

If you happen to be attending, we'd love to meet you at our booth (#2221). We'll be running live demo games of Tend and other IV games like Moonrollers and Mythic Mischief Volume 2. 

Plus, come sign our guest book and get free goodies (pins, stickers, and patches)!

Our tables in the demo area will also be running games! 

Updated Task Leaderboards 🏅

Now that the community farm has closed, we have the final standings for Task Leaders as of Nov 15 (5:00 PM CST) when the campaign closed. We appreciate everyone for your community engagement! 

There were quite a few super neighborly backers who led the initiative for each task and they will receive a free patch pack for their dedication to Zenith! 

Kr4uty worked extra overtime with the most overall actions taken and will receive a free patch pack and Tend chore jacket for their hard work 💪 

Please check the caption under each leaderboard, and if your name is listed after "Congratulations," please direct message your Kickstarter email to Lilly on Discord to claim your prize!

Congratulations Kr4uty! You contributed so much to our community! 🙏 
Congratulations Cappuccino and GGMez, what adventurous spirits! 🚀
Congratulations Sharky, you laid the key foundations of the farm! 🌾
Congratulations Ciarán, we bet you've got the greenest thumb! 🍀
Congratulations Titan & Krythauri, you made sure we were well hydrated and alive! 💦
Congratulations e314 and Oscar Marcelo, we'll see you at the next farmers market! 🍅
Congratulations Papa Quads, we didn't know you were a superb fish whisperer! 🎣
Congratulations Sicarius, you've got a strong grip on that hatchet! 🪓
Congratulations Kr4uty and jeebies, y'all are rockstars! 🗿

Just a reminder, the Pledge Manager opens next week on Wednesday Dec 11, 2024 ❄️

We will open the BackerKit pledge manager next week to collect your shipping information and allow for any last minute order changes. The pledge manager survey MUST BE COMPLETED in order to receive your pledge, so please do not forget to check your email for the Tend updates and BackerKit pledge manager invite. 

If you are new to crowdfunding, don't worry! In our next update, we will provide more instructions and information about the pledge manager process. 

Here are some of the things you'll be able to do in the pledge manager once it opens:

  1. Add additional copies of Tend to your order
  2. Switch your pledge level
  3. Select the French or German language editions
  4. Select your Tend Jacket size 
  5. Add more add-ons from Tend 
  6. Add other IV Studio games, such as our newly dropped Moonrakers Marauders Micro-expansion, Moonrollers, Mythic Mischief Vol 2, and Fractured Sky. 

Late Pledge is Open 👐

Did you or someone you know miss the campaign? 

Worry not, we have a late pledge option! The late pledge store features the same products you would see in the pledge manager for Tend, including our newest release: Moonrakers Micro-expansion Marauders! 

Alright, byeeeee until next week!